Thursday, April 30, 2015

Just too cute

Mom sent me this picture while in at work today and it's making me miss Maia do much!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

She has toes!

Maia's new favorite position now that she can reach her feet.  Any time you lay her down she goes straight into this pill bug position. She even falls asleep like that, which I totally don't understand....

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Tonight's special

bucket 'o' baby, comes with side of carrots

Heart breakingly cute

This morning while I was singing and she was playing in her jumper, Maia looked at me with total adoration and love, this kind of slight smile and total focus, and my heart melted. Like, really. It felt like my heart slipped away, it startled me actually; you just get so full of love it's a little painful.

In the afternoon I saw her looking at a yellow box on the bookcase with the same expression. Oh well.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Workin' out

Maia is always trying to stand and walk so I got her a jumper to play in and she loves it!  It's supposed to be for 4 months+ but she's used one since she was only just 3 months (which is why we needed to put a box under her feet)!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Easter weekend in Cienega

Erika and I matched from our heads to our toes (literally...we even happened to have the same nail polish).  I married into the right family.

A little bit of rain brings out the desert wildflowers, and I've never met a wildflower I didn't want to wear.

Que hermosa!!

 Finger-Bitin' Good (logo for our family hot sauce)(we don't have a family hot sauce but now we need to get one)

 Laughing with Tia Reyna.

She's very funny

And she's very cute!

Happy Easter!

Maia and Puck are not so into this Easter thing...